Monday, November 3, 2008

One day last week, rain thickened and eventually became pellets of snow. I went for a walk at lunch through the woods. Snow fell constantly in a soft pitter-patter as dried leaves rustled in the cold wind.

I prefer being out in snow to being out in cold rain. Snow benefits other beings as well. These pellets melted on contact with the unfrozen forest floor, but in a couple months when snow cover stays it will insulate the ground, as well as all the bulbs and roots under the dirt. Our winter chickadees can shake off a dusting of snow, but rain can mat their feathers. This collapses the air pockets which are so important in insulation.

Snow shelters small mammals from predators as well as from the cold. In much colder environments, the thickness of the snow packs can mean the difference between winter survival and death. In our area snow is more ephemeral, especially at lower elevations. I'm just hoping we have enough for snowshoeing this year.

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