Sunday, May 2, 2010

Rain has called the landscape to life. Green fills in above and below. The woods are full of warblers and the bugs, the main attraction, have come out in force. These annoying little creatures are busy turning all the new growth (and some other things) into high quality bird food. Woodpeckers, cardinals, and other winter hold-overs join in the excited chatter. Does the forest feel crowded to them or livelier, as it does to me? Perhaps it's uncomfortable for the birds which flock in the empty winter days but need to carve out their space as the canopy fills across the forest. Or maybe the bounty makes them generous.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I can't believe how green it has gotten over the last week or so. How do we survive when none of this is here? Well, at least we can revel in green now. And I still say we appreciate it more for our long winters.