Thursday, February 12, 2009

February Thaw - part 2


A little while after a cloudy dawn I was dropped of at a little nearby town to wait for a ride to work. The melt has continued, leaving patches of snow on our lawn and bumpy sheets of ice to step on under our car. In town, the creek that runs through a gorge underneath the main road is engorged by melt and rain. The brown waters churn and swell against their banks.

Brush spills down the sides of the gorge. European starlings perch in the surrounding trees and power lines, creating an exotic soundtrack that seems vaguely tropical. House sparrows, another European import, dart among the bramble. Periodically pigeons parasail high above, soaring between buildings with their wings held in rigid Vs.

It's a North American scene older than I am, yet fairly recent in evolutionary time. A single native species joins the ruckus when a couple blue jays fly in. One finds a big bread crumb and perches to eat it. It's an opportunistic community, brought together by their ability to live among such a messy species as us humans. Right now we all feel captivated by the weather.

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